Cervical Screening Practices and Outcomes for Young Women in Response to Changed Guidelines in Calgary, Canada, 2007–2016
Objective The aim of the study was to describe temporal trends in screening and outcomes for women, after changes in guidelines in Alberta, Canada, that raised starting age to 21 years, then to 25 years of age, and reduced frequency to 3 yearly. Materials and Methods Calgary Laboratory Information System data were used to examine screening rates, follow-up procedures, and cancer among women 10–29 years from 2007 to 2016 in the whole population of Calgary. Interrupted time-series analyses were used to assess changes in screening and subsequent diagnostic procedures over the 10-year period. Results Annual screening rates dropped by approximately 10% at all ages older than 15 years after the 2009 Alberta cervical cancer screening guidelines, followed by a steady decrease. Further change continued subsequent to minimal apparent effect of the 2013 Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care guidelines. The rates of abnormal test results decreased in concert with decreased screening. No increases in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2/3, or invasive cervical cancer rates were observed after reduced testing. Conclusions The largest decrease in screening and follow-up procedures occurred in the period immediately after implementation of 2009 Alberta screening guidelines. The number of consequent procedures also decreased in proportion to decreased screening, but there was no increase in cancer rates. Starting screening at the age of 25 years and reducing intervals seem to be safe.
Survival of Older Women With Cervical Cancer Based on Screening History
Objective A population-level retrospective cohort study was conducted to determine the influence of cervical screening history on the survival from cervical cancer in women 50 years or older. Methods The study included women diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer in Ontario, Canada, between 2005 and 2012, who were followed for at least 4 years. Screening history was observed for the 5 years before diagnosis. Health care administrative databases were linked to determine demographic, affiliation with primary care physicians, stage (available 2010–2012), treatment, and survival data. Kaplan-Meier and multivariate analyses were carried out to evaluate the impact of cervical screening on overall survival (OS). Results There were eligible 1,422 women diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer between 2005 and 2012 of whom 566 had been screened within the 5 years before diagnosis. There were 856 women who did not undergo screening within the 5 years before diagnosis. Unscreened women were more likely to present with locally advanced disease (69.3%) compared with the screened women (42.9%). Four-year OS was significantly greater in the screened group (79.9% vs 58.2%). In our univariate analysis, screening was significantly related to survival (hazard ratio = 2.1, p < .01). In our multivariate analysis after adjusting for age, treatment, affiliation with a primary care physician, and income, screening was still significantly associated with improved survival (hazard ratio = 1.5, p < .01). Conclusions Our results demonstrate a survival benefit to screening in women 50 years or older who are diagnosed with cervical cancer. Screening participation must be encouraged in women older than 50 years as rates decline in this age group.
Performance of Xpert HPV on Self-collected Vaginal Samples for Cervical Cancer Screening Among Women in South Africa
Objectives Self-sampling may increase access to cervical cancer screening in low-resource settings. Using Xpert HPV, we compared test performance of self- and clinician-collected samples in HIV-positive and HIV-negative women in South Africa. Materials and Methods Three hundred thirty HIV-positive and 375 HIV-negative women in the screening group and 202 HIV-negative and 200 HIV-positive women in the referral group, aged 30–65 years, participated in the study. All women self-collected a vaginal sample, and then, a cervical sample was collected by a clinician (both tested using Xpert HPV), followed by colposcopic examination and collection of histologic specimens. Results There was good agreement between self- and clinician-collected samples for detection of any high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV, κ = 0.72 [95% CI = 0.669–0.771]). Prevalence of HPV and sensitivity of the test to detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2+ was similar in self- and clinician-collected samples. Specificity was lower in self-collected than in clinician-collected samples in both HIV-negative (self: 77.5% [95% CI = 72.8–81.8] vs clinician: 86.9% [95% CI = 82.9–90.2]) and HIV-positive (self: 44.0% [95% CI = 38.0–50.1] vs clinician: 59.7% [95% CI = 53.6–65.6]) women. Restricting the definition of screen-positive to 3 of 5 channels on HPV Xpert improved specificity in both HIV-negative (self: 83.2% [95% CI = 78.8–87.0] vs clinician: 89.7% [95% CI = 86.1–92.7]) and HIV-positive (self: 54.2% [95% CI = 48.1–60.2] vs clinician: 67.4% [95% CI = 61.5–72.9]) women. Conclusions The self-collected sample had good agreement with the clinician-collected sample for the detection of HPV, and restricting the HPV types may improve the specificity in HIV-positive women.
Evaluation of Cobas HPV and SeqHPV Assays in the Chinese Multicenter Screening Trial
Objective The aim of the study was to evaluate the Cobas 4800 Assay and the SeqHPV Assay with self (S) and direct (D) cervical samples in the Chinese Multicenter Screening Trial (CHIMUST). Materials and Methods The CHIMUST is a large population-based multicenter clinical trial, and 10,885 women aged 30–59 years from 15 sites in 7 provinces with no cervical cancer screening for 3 years were eligible. All participating women contributed one self-collected sample (S) and 1 physician-collected endocervical sample (DL). The self-collected sample was first applied to the solid media transport card (SS), and then, the brush placed in 6 mL of ThinPrepSolution (SL). All samples were tested with Cobas 4800 and SeqHPV high-risk HPV assays. Patients human papillomavirus positive (self or direct) were recalled for colposcopy and biopsies. Results A total of 10,399 women had complete data. The mean age was 43.9 years. A total of 1.4% (142/10,399) had cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2+ and 0.5% (54/10,339) had CIN 3+. In the liquid specimens, the overall HPV infection rates were 10.8% for Cobas and 10.9% for SeqHPV in D sample, and 13.7% for Cobas and 11.6% for SeqHPV in SL sample, respectively. The sensitivity of Cobas-DL, Cobas-SL, SeqHPV-DL, and SeqHPV-SL for CIN 2+ was 95.07%, 95.07%, 94.33%, and 96.48%, respectively. The specificity of Cobas-DL, Cobas-SL, SeqHPV-DL, and SeqHPV-SL for CIN 2+ was 90.38%, 87.35%, 90.21%, and 89.53%, respectively. There were no differences in sensitivity when applying the 2 assays to both self- and directly collected samples in liquid transport media (p > .05). Conclusions Both Cobas and SeqHPV screening assays using both self-collected and directly endocervical collected specimens demonstrate similar sensitivity for the detection of CIN 2+ and CIN 3+.
Human Papillomavirus Same Genotype Persistence and Risk: A Systematic Review
Objective The aim of the study was to examine whether high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) was more closely associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) same-genotype persistence (SGTP) versus clearance of prior infection with a subsequent infection by a new genotype (genotype switch [GS]), clearance of HPV infection, or acquisition of a new HPV infection after a negative infection status, during a follow-up testing subsequent to abnormal screening results. Materials and Methods MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Health Technology Assessment, and clinicaltrials.gov were searched from January 2000 to July 2019 for prospective controlled trials and observational studies of women and retrospective studies using HPV assays with extended- or full-genotype reporting. The primary outcome was high-grade CIN after at least 2 rounds of testing. Overall quality of evidence for the risk estimate outcomes was assessed. Of the 830 identified abstracts, 66 full-text articles were reviewed, and 7 studies were included in the synthesis. The study protocol was registered with the PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (CRD42018091093). Results Continued HPV-positive women falls in 2 equally large groups: SGTP and GS. Sensitivity, positive predictive value, and positive likelihood ratio of SGTP were significantly higher than for GS. Human papillomavirus genotypes may be ranked into 3 tiers (immediate colposcopy, follow-up testing, return to routine screening), according to associated risk of persistence for high-grade CIN and to prevailing clinical action thresholds. Conclusions There is moderately high-quality evidence to support the clinical utility of SGTP to improve risk discrimination for high-grade CIN compared with qualitative HPV testing without genotype-specific information.
Follow-up Findings in Postconservative Treatment Surveillance for Women With Cervical Adenocarcinoma In Situ
Objectives The risks of adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) recurrence or progression after conservative treatment are uncertain. The aim of this study was to examine the role of high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) and cytology in the posttreatment surveillance of AIS patients. Materials and Methods Follow-up results of hrHPV status, cytology results, and clinicopathological features of 207 patients were retrospectively analyzed, in whom AIS was initially treated by loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)/cone biopsy between September 2009 and June 2018. Results Among 207 patients diagnosed AIS on LEEP/cone biopsy, 30.9% (64/207) had positive margins. Persistent/recurrent AIS rate was substantially higher in the patients with positive margins than in those with negative margins (47.2% vs 9.3%, p < .001). Of 74 patients with hrHPV surveillance, 17 (17/74, 23.0%) were found to have positive hrHPV and 4 (4/17, 23.5%) had the persistent/recurrent AIS regardless of margin status. On the contrast, no AIS were found in negative surveillant hrHPV patients (23.5% vs 0%, p < .001). Lastly, 27.8% patients (22/79) were reported atypical glandular cells on surveillant cytology, and 9 persistent/recurrent AIS cases were further identified on second biopsy or hysterectomy with a positive detection rate of 40.9%. Conclusions In this study, we concluded the positive margin on LEEP/cone biopsy in AIS patients was associated with a significantly greater risk of disease persistence or recurrence. The posttreatment surveillance by cytology and adjunct hrHPV would be an ideal strategy in predicting AIS persistence and recurrence, which will warrant further treatments.
Anal Cancer and Anal Cancer Screening Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Risk Among Women Living With HIV
Objectives The aims of the study were (1) to describe anal cancer knowledge, perceived risk, screening barriers, and acceptability of sample self-collection among women living with HIV (WLWH) at an integrated safety-net system and (2) to describe differences in demographic and psychosocial variables among a subsample of WLWH with a history of abnormal cervical cytology results versus those with normal results. Materials and Methods We conducted telephone surveys with English- and Spanish-speaking WLWH (N = 99) and used electronic health record data to extract insurance type, CD4+ cell count, RNA viral load, and cervical cytology results. We calculated descriptive statistics for participant demographics, HIV laboratory results, and psychosocial variables. Among the subsample of women who completed a recent cervical Pap, we used Fisher exact test to assess differences in demographic variables, CD4+ counts, RNA viral loads, knowledge, awareness, acceptability, and perceived risk by cervical cytology results. Results Most participants (70%) reported knowing nothing about anal cancer; 28% correctly responded that HIV increases one's chance of getting anal cancer. Most (68%) never heard of an anal Pap test. Forty percent would get an anal Pap if they could self-collect the sample, whereas 59% were neutral or disagreed. The 2 most commonly cited barriers to obtaining an anal Pap were "I do not know enough about it" (n = 15) and "It might hurt" (n = 9). Conclusions This study highlights a gap in knowledge and awareness among WLWH regarding their heightened risk for anal cancer. It indicates the need for health education and suggests an opportunity for a self-collection intervention.
Gay and Bisexual Men in the US Lack Basic Information About Anal Cancer
Objective The purpose of this study was to assess knowledge of human papillomavirus (HPV) as a cause of anal cancer among at-risk gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM). Materials and Methods Secondary analysis was conducted of cross-sectional data from 3 cycles of the Health Information National Trends Survey (2017, 2018, 2019). Results were reported for the subset of adults who identified as GBM (N = 212). Knowledge that HPV can cause anal cancer was the main outcome. Differences in knowledge were evaluated (using χ2 and multiple logistic regression) by demographic, health information factors, and access to care. Results Sixty-eight percent of GBM were aware of HPV. Knowledge that HPV causes anal cancer was low (<20%) in the overall sample and sample of GBM (17.9%; 95% CI = 11.0–24.7). Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men were no more knowledgeable that HPV causes anal cancer than heterosexual men (14.8%; 95% CI = 12.9–16.9; p = .376). College-educated GBM had higher odds (adjusted odds ratio = 3.50; 95% CI = 1.02–11.97) of knowing HPV causes anal cancer than GBM with no college degree. No other factors were associated with knowledge. Conclusions Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are largely unaware that HPV can cause anal cancer, despite high awareness of HPV itself. This is concerning given that GBM are at increased risk of HPV-associated anal cancer than the general population. Our findings suggest that information about anal cancer and health information about the benefits of HPV vaccination for anal cancer prevention are only reaching a small subset of college-educated GBM. Targeted anal cancer education programs are needed.
Association Between Vulvar Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions and Psychiatric Illness
Objectives The aims of the study were to describe and to compare demographics and the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among patients with low- and high-grade vulvar squamous intraepithelial lesions. Methods A retrospective chart review was performed for patients presenting to a vulvar diseases clinic between 1996 and 2019 (N = 2,462). Intake questionnaire data were entered into a deidentified database. Results were compared between 80 patients with biopsy-confirmed high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs) and 48 patients with biopsy-confirmed low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSILs). Bivariate analysis was performed to compare demographics and psychiatric treatment and outcomes across HSIL and LSIL groups. Results Among 128 patients with vulvar disease, 80 (62.5%) had HSILs and 48 (37.5%) had LSILs. Patients with HSILs were significantly older (HSIL median [interquartile range] = 49.0 (39.0–61.0) vs LSIL = 36.0 [29.0–53.0], p = .006). There were no significant differences between groups across race/ethnicity, education, marital status, or self-reported household income categories. Forty percent of HSIL patients reported depression compared with 20.8% of LSIL patients (p = .03), whereas 31.3% of HSIL patients and 8.3% of LSIL patients reported anxiety (p = .002). Bipolar disorder was reported in 3.8% of HSIL patients and no LSIL patients (p = .29). There were no differences in the proportion of patients receiving psychiatric counseling, medications, or hospitalizations between groups. Conclusions Squamous intraepithelial lesions of the vulva are associated with psychiatric disorders above age-matched national averages; these disorders are more prominent in the HSIL group. Combining mental health services with ongoing disease treatment seem to be part of a comprehensive approach to caring for this patient population.
Diagnostic Criteria for Differentiated Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Vulvar Aberrant Maturation
Objective The aim of the study was to describe the features required for diagnosis of differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (dVIN) and vulvar aberrant maturation (VAM). Materials and Methods The International Society of the Study of Vulvovaginal Diseases tasked the difficult pathologic diagnoses committee to develop consensus recommendations for clinicopathologic diagnosis of vulvar lichen planus, lichen sclerosus, and dVIN. The dVIN subgroup reviewed the literature and formulated diagnostic criteria that were reviewed by the committee and then approved by the International Society of the Study of Vulvovaginal Diseases membership. Results Differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia is the immediate precursor of human papillomavirus (HPV)–independent vulvar squamous cell carcinoma and shows a spectrum of clinical and microscopic appearances, some overlapping with HPV-related neoplasia. The histopathologic definition of dVIN is basal atypia combined with negative or nonblock-positive p16 and basal overexpressed, aberrant negative, or wild-type p53. The most common pattern of dVIN is keratinizing with acanthosis, aberrant rete ridge pattern, and premature maturation. The morphologic spectrum of keratinizing dVIN includes hypertrophic, atrophic, acantholytic, and subtle forms. A few dVIN cases are nonkeratinizing, with basaloid cells replacing more than 60% of epithelium. Vulvar aberrant maturation is an umbrella term for lesions with aberrant maturation that arise out of lichenoid dermatitis and lack the basal atypia required for dVIN. Conclusions Evaluation of women at risk for dVIN and VAM requires a collaborative approach by clinicians and pathologists experienced in vulvar disorders. Close surveillance of women with lichen sclerosus and use of these recommendations may assist in prevention of HPV-independent squamous cell carcinoma through detection and treatment of dVIN and VAM.
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