Editorial introductions
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Editorial: Media magic or mayhem? No abstract available
A primary care pediatrician's guide to assessing problematic interactive media use
Purpose of review To review the literature and provide a guide to assessing patients with problematic interactive media use (PIMU). Recent findings 0.3–1.0% of the world population meets criteria for internet gaming disorder (IGD). 26.8–83.3% of adolescents meeting criteria for internet addiction have comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. IGD is associated with increased anxiety and social anxiety/phobias. Group counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, and sports intervention are associated with significant reductions in internet addiction. Summary With the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 inclusion of IGD under 'Conditions for Further Study' and the addition of gaming disorder to International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11, the idea that PIMU is a mental health disorder gained traction. Although certain populations may be at increased risk, all children and adolescents should be screened for PIMU given now-normal heavy media usage rates. Effective treatment of PIMU starts with identification and management of comorbid mental and behavioral health problems. Depending on their degree of functional impairment, patients may benefit from various forms of psychotherapy with coordinated outpatient management or may warrant higher level of care in one of several established residential treatment programs. Few studies have evaluated pharmacologic approaches to treating PIMU, but some medications targeting comorbid mental and behavioral health conditions improve PIMU-related behaviors.
Adolescent vaccinations: updates for the general practitioner
Purpose of review Adolescent providers have a unique opportunity to interface with adolescents during a transformative time period. Optimizing vaccinations may protect teens against preventable but potentially deadly diseases. Healthcare providers must be aware of the evolving vaccination data and up-to-date recommendations for vaccinations. Recent findings In spite of the Center for Disease Control recommendations, there is a gap between the actual and desired vaccination rates of adolescents. Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis, meningococcal against ACWY serotypes, and human papillomavirus (HPV) are vaccinations unique to the adolescent period. There has been a marked increase in pertussis cases over the last 2 decades. Either of the meningitis B vaccines may be given to 16–18 year olds and are effective in controlling college outbreaks. Increasing evidence continues to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccination, although a substantial number of adolescents remain unvaccinated. Fortunately, there are proven strategies to remedy this. Summary Adolescent providers should be aware of the increase in pertussis cases over the past 2 decades and the Category B recommendation for meningococcal B vaccine at 16–18 years, and they should work towards closing the gap between the actual and desired HPV vaccination rates.
An update on the medical consequences of anorexia nervosa
Purpose of review The diagnosis of anorexia nervosa is associated with the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder, mainly caused by medical complications. The purpose of this article is to review the common medical consequences of anorexia nervosa focusing on the special considerations related to children and adolescents and recent updates on the pathophysiology of these complications and their prognosis significance. Recent findings The main findings were related to the diagnostic and prognostic value of hypokalaemia, QTc prolongation, hypoglycaemia and orthostatic changes. A new modality to evaluate the heart in anorexia nervosa was explored (2DSTE) as well. Bone mineral density (BMD) loss is one of the few nonreversible consequences of anorexia nervosa. BMD loss does not seem to be significantly related to sex or to cut-off low-weight parameters in teenagers with anorexia nervosa, but rather to the amount of weight loss they have experienced. Brain volume deficits might be another irreversible complication in adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Summary It is crucial for any healthcare provider to be informed about the medical consequences of anorexia nervosa, not only because they can be devastating, but also because they can play an essential role in motivating patients to get treated.
Updates on HIV nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis
Purpose of review Adolescents and young adults continue to contribute to new HIV infections despite improved antiretroviral regimens and HIV preexposure and postexposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP). Knowledge about nonoccupational HIV PEP (nPEP) is relevant and important for all pediatricians as adolescents present under a variety of circumstances disclosing past sexual activity. Recent findings nPEP is effective in preventing HIV infection, and newer regimens have been shown to increase compliance amongst users, have less side effects, and lead to less HIV resistance. Yet, research on physician prescription practices shows a lack of knowledge regarding appropriate HIV nPEP medication regimens, dosing, and follow-up recommendations. Updated national guidelines are available to providers who may be unfamiliar with indications and drug regimens for nPEP. Studies also provide different strategies to increase nPEP use and compliance among patients as well as ways to increase provider awareness of appropriate nPEP prescription. Summary Research of HIV nPEP shows that it is effective when used correctly, but there needs to be increased education and awareness to increase provider prescription and patient use as well as institutional changes to help patients complete the full course of medication.
Child and adolescent chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: where are we now?
Purpose of review The current review aims to determine the recent evidence regarding cause, impact, effective treatment and prognosis of children and young people (CYP) affected by chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) at a time when the National Institute for Clinical Excellence guidelines in the United Kingdom are being reviewed and more research is called for worldwide. Recent findings CFS/ME is a debilitating illness with no clear cause. This review describes the heterogeneous clinical picture and the effects on the young person and family. Comorbidities such as mood disorders and pain are discussed including evidence for treatment. The various aetiological hypotheses are discussed and the precipitating factors identified. The evidence base is limited regarding effective treatment for CYP with CFS/ME, particularly the severely affected group. A large trial of online cognitive behavioural therapy with teenagers is being explored in the United Kingdom. The Lightning Process has been shown to be effective when added to medical care. Summary Current evidence is hampered by different diagnostic criteria, the heterogeneous nature of the condition, and limited number of small studies. There is a clear need for more research and larger studies exploring the cause of and most effective treatment for CYP with CFS/ME.
Mindfulness-based interventions for adolescent health
Purpose of review Mindfulness, the practice of paying attention to the present moment, purposefully and nonjudgmentally, has been gaining popularity as adjunct treatment for adolescents with a range of physical and mental health problems. Research conducted in adults and emerging research conducted in adolescents has shown that mindfulness-based interventions can improve outcomes in several areas. The purpose of this review is to discuss recent research on the effects of mindfulness and suggest exercises that primary care clinicians can offer to their adolescent patients. Recent findings Research has shown positive effects of mindfulness across several health conditions commonly encountered during adolescence. Mindfulness-based Interventions can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. The application of mindfulness can help with the prevention and treatment of binge eating, over-eating, and restrictive eating disorders. In the treatment of substance use disorders, mindfulness can improve emotion regulation and reduce symptoms of withdrawal and craving. Mindfulness can also lead to improvement in overall quality of life for patients suffering from chronic pain. Lastly, mindfulness can be useful for adolescents with ADHD, sleep problems, chronic illness, and stress related to performance sports. Summary Although research in adolescents remains limited, mindfulness holds promise in the treatment of a range of health conditions in adolescents.
Infant skin care: updates and recommendations
Purpose of review Neonatal skin acclimates rapidly to dry, aerobic conditions at birth and skin function gradually matures throughout infancy. Gentle skin care practices support the ongoing development and function of newborn skin. This article reviews research updates and current skin care recommendations for full-term infants, premature infants, and infants born with severe cutaneous manifestations of genetic skin disorders. Recent findings Although safe early bathing of full-term infants with environmental controls is possible, delaying the first newborn bath for 12–24 h of life offers benefits of increased parental bonding and breastfeeding success. Swaddled bathing every 4 days is an effective bathing strategy for premature neonates. Among infants with a family history of atopic dermatitis, regular application of bland skin moisturizers reduces their risk of developing the disease. For newborns with erosive or blistering genetic skin conditions, use of specialized wound dressings and emollients promotes wound healing and helps limit skin damage. Environmental control with humidified incubators helps prevent life-threatening hypernatremic dehydration among babies born with collodion membranes; however, affected infants can tolerate breaks outside of the humidifier to promote parent–infant bonding. Summary This article reviews infant skin care recommendations relevant to pediatric practice. Research to further optimize newborn skin care is ongoing, particularly, for the special populations of premature neonates and infants born with severe skin disease.
Diagnosis and management of linear scleroderma in children
Purpose of review Linear scleroderma is the most common subtype of localized scleroderma (LoS) in children. It can be associated with extracutaneous manifestations and long-term sequelae. Thus, appropriate diagnosis and management are key to improve the prognosis. In this review, we summarize the most relevant recent publications for the diagnosis, evaluation of disease activity and adequate management of patients with linear scleroderma. Recent findings There are specific clinical features that indicate activity in LoS; dermoscopy and Wood's lamp may be useful. Summarizing, scoring methods seem to provide the most adequate assessment of LoS; but several biomarkers that correlate with activity have been studied: E-selectin and IL-2 receptor, CD34+ dermal dendritic cells and Th/Th1 immunophenotype with decreased T helper (Th2), T regulatory (Tregs), B and natural killer (NK) cells. Recent studies propose hydroxychloroquine monotherapy and tocilizumab as potential therapeutic options. Summary Clinical evaluation, both physical exam and history, is the most important aspect in diagnosing and assessing activity of linear scleroderma. Clinical scoring methods may be most useful for evaluation of activity; eventually, other biomarkers could be relevant in clinical practice. For most patients with linear scleroderma, the first choice of treatment is methotrexate, but physical therapy, plastic surgery and/or orthopedic management are key to improve residual limitations and quality of life. Video abstract http://links.lww.com/MOP/A35.
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